Nice laugh at the end there! Yes, cashless is the plan, CBDC's essential to control grid; Catherine Austin Fitts speaks extensively and with more knowledge than most on the subject. She promotes cash Fridays, which I participate in. A recent cyberattack simulation was done by the usual players to prepare for the actual event, they will of course, initiate. I suspect that is in our near future. Cash out of the banks; some silver, some gold and if you're so inclined, Bitcoin. None of it is to amass wealth - though it could happen - this is about surviving. Thanks, enjoyed that.
Back in Jan of 2020 the French law outlawing cash took effect. It is not overtly enforced, but is on the books. you cannot pay taxes, or fines, or anything fiscal with cash or a check, only a bank card, and to have a bank card you now must have a mobile phone with their app on it. Little by little the encroaching surveillance. Good plan. I do have some gold and junk silver, and cryptos, but will be changing the cryptos in for junk in a year or two. Several coin dealers are now taking cryptos, but there is a new law that they must report any transaction over $600, so new encroachments. happy days are here again.
Darryn and I recently watched a short documentary about Reddit ... it used to be a free speech platform, in fact one of the founders was a passionate proponent of free speech. When Reddit started to become really popular, some corporate media company bought it and the site has become more and more censored since. That founder was sent to prison I think where he ended up committing suicide.
I had not realized that reddit was a controlled media platform, thanks. I imagine
that is what happens to all of the independent media or social platforms, once they get popular they are acquired by some part of the deep state for their own purposes. Often you have to dig a bit to find the real owners, quite often it goes directly back to Vanguard or Blackrock or another company that they control. It is their plan to totally control the media and consequently what you think. I have looked at a number of different free software downloads and see that they originally started out with good intentions, but as they grew, they get taken over.
my dad loved bridge, he played two days a week at first, then four at two different senior centers, after my mom passed away. he was very good at it and particular about his bridge partners...keeping the same partner as long as possible... even visiting them when they were in the hospital, one lady eventually had to quit because she went blind. maybe in 30 years he had four partners, so they were meaningful friendships. one day while driving to bridge he heard a blood curdling scream in his mind... when he arrived at bridge he learned that his partner had just been hit by a car in the crosswalk in front of the senior center.
The service I use like that is Apple Keychain. I want to trust Apple (and they want me to trust them) but… These days it seems the best policy might be to not trust.
Apple is better than anything microsoft, that is for sure. I am going to disable all of those services and keep logins and passwords somewhere else, will be a bit of a pain in the back side.
I have four different passwords, they all start with the same and end with the same (number/letter or symbol) but what is in the meat, or middle is different. I store these digitally with ** for most part. I know what those are, and just reveal one of the letters/symbols/numbers so I know which of the four it is.
Works for me.
As for VPN's, protonmail has one with their subscription service. I don't know how secure it is, but you want one that says openly they don't save information for longer than 24hours. At least that way you can't be watched and marketed to, which is what most of the data is collected for. I don't want targeted advertising.
Once I had not eliminated the tracking options on my phone. I was standing on a friends balcony and he just bought an Indian motorcycle and it was below. I said "Wow, cool bike, when did you get the Indian motorcycle?" and he said "just last week, it's a dream to ride!"
That was it, but later on surfing on the phone which was in my pocket, there were ads on some forums I would go to, each time it was an Indian motorcycle ad.
Didn't like it, and immediately disabled the "listening" devices on the phone, but then like others who know, the phone can listen to you even when off.
Get a good quality faraday cage/bag, even two of them, and put the phone in that when you're having normal conversations with your family, wife, etc.
Even laptops and tablets.
By now, none of that matters. I speak openly most of the time because I do not say anything incriminating, at least not in today's world, and we need to keep it that way. I ask God for that sort of protection. I'm sure he can erase anything that might be in the future, but for now, we're free and like I said, better to keep it that way.
I have a friend that has done the faraday bags. When I worked for NSG back in the day, early mid 70s, the things we could do was scary even then. I can only imagine what the offerings are now. My mobile vanished on me, it was a burner, but have not replaced it and do not miss it. I literally wrote the book on phone monitoring back then for NSG, all of the different ways to tap phones without doing a physical tap. Mobile phones are big brother's dream. I see now that here in France if you want to purchase anything online with your French bank account/card you are required to have a mobile phone. Just one more step.
Nice laugh at the end there! Yes, cashless is the plan, CBDC's essential to control grid; Catherine Austin Fitts speaks extensively and with more knowledge than most on the subject. She promotes cash Fridays, which I participate in. A recent cyberattack simulation was done by the usual players to prepare for the actual event, they will of course, initiate. I suspect that is in our near future. Cash out of the banks; some silver, some gold and if you're so inclined, Bitcoin. None of it is to amass wealth - though it could happen - this is about surviving. Thanks, enjoyed that.
Back in Jan of 2020 the French law outlawing cash took effect. It is not overtly enforced, but is on the books. you cannot pay taxes, or fines, or anything fiscal with cash or a check, only a bank card, and to have a bank card you now must have a mobile phone with their app on it. Little by little the encroaching surveillance. Good plan. I do have some gold and junk silver, and cryptos, but will be changing the cryptos in for junk in a year or two. Several coin dealers are now taking cryptos, but there is a new law that they must report any transaction over $600, so new encroachments. happy days are here again.
yes turn in your neighbor or mother, your son etc. everybody turning against each other.
Darryn and I recently watched a short documentary about Reddit ... it used to be a free speech platform, in fact one of the founders was a passionate proponent of free speech. When Reddit started to become really popular, some corporate media company bought it and the site has become more and more censored since. That founder was sent to prison I think where he ended up committing suicide.
I had not realized that reddit was a controlled media platform, thanks. I imagine
that is what happens to all of the independent media or social platforms, once they get popular they are acquired by some part of the deep state for their own purposes. Often you have to dig a bit to find the real owners, quite often it goes directly back to Vanguard or Blackrock or another company that they control. It is their plan to totally control the media and consequently what you think. I have looked at a number of different free software downloads and see that they originally started out with good intentions, but as they grew, they get taken over.
my dad loved bridge, he played two days a week at first, then four at two different senior centers, after my mom passed away. he was very good at it and particular about his bridge partners...keeping the same partner as long as possible... even visiting them when they were in the hospital, one lady eventually had to quit because she went blind. maybe in 30 years he had four partners, so they were meaningful friendships. one day while driving to bridge he heard a blood curdling scream in his mind... when he arrived at bridge he learned that his partner had just been hit by a car in the crosswalk in front of the senior center.
The service I use like that is Apple Keychain. I want to trust Apple (and they want me to trust them) but… These days it seems the best policy might be to not trust.
Apple is better than anything microsoft, that is for sure. I am going to disable all of those services and keep logins and passwords somewhere else, will be a bit of a pain in the back side.
I have a password-protected note file with important info like passwords. At least some level of security I control.
that is something I should do, good tip
I have four different passwords, they all start with the same and end with the same (number/letter or symbol) but what is in the meat, or middle is different. I store these digitally with ** for most part. I know what those are, and just reveal one of the letters/symbols/numbers so I know which of the four it is.
Works for me.
As for VPN's, protonmail has one with their subscription service. I don't know how secure it is, but you want one that says openly they don't save information for longer than 24hours. At least that way you can't be watched and marketed to, which is what most of the data is collected for. I don't want targeted advertising.
Once I had not eliminated the tracking options on my phone. I was standing on a friends balcony and he just bought an Indian motorcycle and it was below. I said "Wow, cool bike, when did you get the Indian motorcycle?" and he said "just last week, it's a dream to ride!"
That was it, but later on surfing on the phone which was in my pocket, there were ads on some forums I would go to, each time it was an Indian motorcycle ad.
Didn't like it, and immediately disabled the "listening" devices on the phone, but then like others who know, the phone can listen to you even when off.
Get a good quality faraday cage/bag, even two of them, and put the phone in that when you're having normal conversations with your family, wife, etc.
Even laptops and tablets.
By now, none of that matters. I speak openly most of the time because I do not say anything incriminating, at least not in today's world, and we need to keep it that way. I ask God for that sort of protection. I'm sure he can erase anything that might be in the future, but for now, we're free and like I said, better to keep it that way.
I have a friend that has done the faraday bags. When I worked for NSG back in the day, early mid 70s, the things we could do was scary even then. I can only imagine what the offerings are now. My mobile vanished on me, it was a burner, but have not replaced it and do not miss it. I literally wrote the book on phone monitoring back then for NSG, all of the different ways to tap phones without doing a physical tap. Mobile phones are big brother's dream. I see now that here in France if you want to purchase anything online with your French bank account/card you are required to have a mobile phone. Just one more step.
Very interesting.
I especially liked the boy predicting his father’s death. He was correct.
it is one of my favorite fiction stories, maybe not fiction??: