
have to make an addendum to the Madonna Oriflamma and the banner of peace:

The Banner of Peace symbol has ancient origins. Perhaps its earliest known example appears on Stone Age amulets: three dots, without the enclosing circle. Roerich came across numerous later examples in various parts of the world, and knew that it represented a deep and sophisticated understanding of the triune nature of existence. But for the purposes of the Banner and the Pact, Roerich described the circle as representing the totality of culture, with the three dots being Art, Science, and Religion, three of the most embracing of human cultural activities. He also described the circle as representing the eternity of time, encompassing the past, present, and future. The sacred origins of the symbol, as an illustration of the trinities fundamental to all religions, remain central to the meaning of the Pact and the Banner today.

Unconsciously Nick was aware of this future, Past, Present, and Future newsletter.

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Nice post, chock full of good info. Been taking NAC, and will get some wormwood. There is a simple nasal rinse with iodine that's also really effective post-crowds. (Believe Paul Alexander has a post on it.)

Fascinating times, David. Thanks, as always.

BTW - been doing Zach Bush's 4 minute workout (not always daily, not always 3x a day,) and I really do like it.

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More information I was not aware of. More supplements to look up. Thank you, David.


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