Thanks for this, David.

I've historically shied away from Mercola because if you followed his advice you'd be taking handfuls of dozens of supplements. He always seemed "over the top" to me. My opinion has changed since the Scamdemic.

For 5G to work, the phones have to have the ability to broadcast the 5G signal, which makes them far worse to be carrying around than older phones (at least that is my understanding). That means that 100s or 1000s of 5G phones can connect together to pass info on where there are no or not enough 5G antennas.

Using this map: https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g

I see there is a 5G antenna 4–5 miles from my house. Oddly enough in a residential area. They line I5, the major freeway near us, and can be seen in much smaller communities than ours. I wouldn't want to live in the Salt Lake City area as it is pretty saturated with towers. I suppose they eventually will be everywhere.

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I have a question for you. Do you remember when they outlawed lead in paints?I remember it well, the justification was poor kids were eating the peeling paint and becoming sick. I thought that this was mostly BS, if poor kids were eating paint chips, maybe they were eating dirt and dog doo or cat doo or any number of unhealthy things. It really did not make sense to me. Now my thought is that they knew that lead pigmented paint blocked EMFs and wanted to get rid of it. Just a hypothesis, this came to mind reading the interview with DR. Pall and the suppression of research. Would be interested in your thoughts.

Here where I live, inside of your house to get mobile phone reception you need to have your house wifi turned on at the Live-Box, we have cement walls and metal roofs, good blockers for EMFs.

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I don't remember lead being removed from paint, just gas switching over to unleaded. After some internetting, it seems lead would be a poor (and expensive) way to block EMFs, NOW. Now aluminum is lighter and way cheaper (so I read). In 2020 I would have said that would be dumb to go through the trouble of changing gas formulation and require new house paints just to block EMFs, but now... Nothing surprises me.

So you just have to turn off your WiFi to be relatively EMF-free? Nice.

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the only saving grace currently about the 5G is that they are using 4G frequencies currently. i was surprised to see the extent of the roll out, and many thanks for the map reference.

I agree that Mercola pushes many supplements, I take a couple of them, NAC and collagen. I also take the locally grown and produced curcuma in its natural form, supposed to be the highest quality in the world and that is according to web sites not on the island. I also keep artimesia and blackseed oil on hand. Both highly effective, artimesia or sweet wormwood as it is known in the USA is a natural covid killer. Blackseed is just as effective as any antibiotic. I purchase the Egyptian variety. Interestingly artimesia is outlawed in France, mostly because it is effective in preventing covid. They tried to push a bill through the French senate to classify vitamin D as a dangerous substance, but that failed.

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I've been a "supplement junkie" since 1980. I do take 1 NAC/day and a scoop of collagen (with protein powder) on gym days. There are several bottles down in the cold room (an unfinished room under the front porch where we keep food stuffs, etc.) along with the cumin seed oil. I believe it about artimesia being a COVID killer because a fact checker article said it wasn't.

We tested + for SARS-CoV-2 last June so we're (me, my wife just goes along with what I say) more concerned about what's coming next. Smallpox is likely, mainly because Bill Gates can't shut up about it. So, in addition to keeping our vitamin D levels up, we've stocked some Sarracenia Purpurea, or Pitcher Plant. It's a remedy the Native American's supposedly used to cure smallpox. Here's something to read on it:

A thread on StolenMedicine.net:


Interesting and informative info from Deep Roots at Home, with links to sources:


I did get a few bottles of the extract off Etsy (which were overpriced IMO), but now the site said it's out of stock. I also ordered some of the homeopathic. Enough for family members in the state.

Here is an article linked to in the previous link about a study that shows the herb definitely stops the virus from replicating (in vitro):


And lastly, enough calcifediol to boost one's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level safely over 50 ng/mL, in 4 hours or so. It's more for family as our levels are high enough. Here's where I got the info if interested:


Plus all the other crap I take, attempting to slow the grim reaper from snatching me before my time. We live at 4,700 ft elevation at the base of a mountain; the changes that occur in the "last days" will likely bring the mountain down on our heads, despite my pills.

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thanks for the links, will check them out. there were two studies done early on in the covid scare using artimesia, one in the Netherlands and one in Germany and both were conclusive, artimesia kills covid in vitro. Shortly after that Madagascar started to promote artimesia in a canned tea. Then it was "debunked" by mainstream media and WHO, but France decided to out law its sale. It is widely used in SE Asia, and basically there were no deaths from covid and very few cases until they started the vaccinations there, then cases and deaths started. We take a few drops every time we return from getting out in public.

that elevation is a good healthy elevation, Kellogg the cereal dude started out with a health clinic at the 3500 elevation and then got into cereal. Seems higher altitudes are good for the health. we are at basically sea level, but lots of sun shine; daily average of direct sun here is 8 hours a day.

last, " I believe it about artimesia being a COVID killer because a fact checker article said it wasn't." is soooo funny what a world

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unbelievable... will everyone need a faraday jumpsuit to avoid excessive emf exposures... thinking about looking into getting a emf measurement device to see what the exposures are around me... would a gauss meter work?

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do not know what your email is, so thought I would leave an important comment, if you have a stock account put some money in ticker NWBO before Tuesday.

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Thanks David, really informative - love it when there are simple practical things we can do to off-set these invisible attacks.

I would love to hear more about those four weeks in Hawaii and that device ANW-LR6 thing. (Actually that sounds like a book in the making: "Spook schools and magic devices." Will this be forthcoming?😊

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no, nothing more about it except this blurb here. It was a life saving device, was on a sub outside of Vladivostok, navigation system on the sub went down, we were blind, so I used it to tap into the Russian navigation system from time to time so we could tell where we were. Also was able to see the infamous "White Sound" or White Noise that the Russians effectively used in 68 to invade Czechoslovakia. Heard it mentioned in a few movies and I think also in the X-Files TV series as some super dangerous weapon. It is just a full spectrum communications disabling EW (Electronic Warfare) system. Very effective though and why they are not using it in Ukraine is beyond me. In short it is a complete spectrum jammer.

On one lunch hour during the school I went into the lab and used the device to listen into telephones calls, just for a bit, wanted to see how easy it would be. It was easy. Always felt bad about doing that, an obvious illegal invasion of privacy.

About the only thing I can remember about the school is we had to learn about TWTs, Traveling Wave Tubes, we spent a few days on those, still do not know what they are or how they work, but passed the exam about them.

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That's all very fascinating. And to think that was in the 70's, hard to imagine what they have now, what they are doing now. Such interesting experiences you've had. Thanks for the 'blurb'.

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thank you for the nice comment, if I had not lived l through these experiences and many more I would not believe them if some one else was telling them to me. I look at it as a lesson plan from God, he wanted me to know these things and to do the things I have done, he still has plans for me.

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David, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences.

I will begin to use the exercise video to help get me more functional. I was rear ended a couple of weeks ago. I thank God my dog and I were not injured more. My service dog and I were in the hospital for 2 days. I start physical therapy this week and have a lumbar MRI next week. The hospital focused on my upper body while I was there.

My issue with getting older is that medical issues consume so much of my time and energy. I have many goals I have yet to accomplish and don’t like being slowed down. I have to remind myself I believe in Divine timing.

I appreciate you so much, David.


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great suggestions for anaerobic exercise and adding cruciferous veggies to diet to help repair the damage.

wondering about the public reaction if they realized they were TWO times the guinea pig with both ‘covid’ and 5G... thinking that ‘long covid’ is really ‘long 5G’ ...

💕🐱great article!!!🐱💕

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Great, short exercise set for the masses. Thank you for sharing.

Is NWBO still developing anything promising?

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I think they are being stonewalled. Good treatment, but the regulatory agencies dragging feet.

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