Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

It has been inspirational watching Kathleen evolve into a critical thinker, not afraid to say what is on her mind. In the beginning she was sharing thoughts that i found interesting. a perspective that I did not have and most enlightening. My brain is somewhere else, off in/with the cosmos. I see things different than others, so thoughts are different. Kathleen shared how others were thinking but were afraid to divulge. Thank you Kathleen for all you do.

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It was because of Kathleen that I found you, David! She is an exceptional thinker. Many times she eloquently writes up what is already on my mind so I don’t have to. :)

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yes I think she captures what others may think but cannot say. I found her initial writings enlightening. It was a perspective that I could not think of.

Her subsequent writings have evolved to that of a warrior.

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And thank you for the warnings. Will stay in tune with the Universe to contribute to the resistance.

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Thank you, David, most sincerely, for amplifying my post. I'm so grateful for the assistance. And for the incredibly generous words.

Regarding the DEW's. I tend towards agreeing that despite the danger and insanity, Nature, the Universe, the cosmic order we easily forget about, will ultimately keep us from destroying our world.

As you note: "Must add as a postscript, the Cosmos has counter measures against the DEW and other calamities and minions of the beast: :: in the works and will be available in the Cosmos’s own time."

I trust this, though no way of knowing how many of us will survive this period, till we get to the other side.

Best to you.💕

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Kathleen, i did not do a good job of it. I wanted to encourage people to network and organize.

Regarding survival. The spirit that is you, not the body or container is imperishable. The bod is dust to dust. You are forever, dwell in the spirit of YHWH.

MY work starts in 4 years 4 months. 7 years later the one who ends suffering will take over. He is here. I annointed him 2 years ago. His time will come.

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I'm with you on our eternal spirits, David and we'll have to disagree on how good a job you did. :-)

As for the rest of your cryptic message - guess I'll have to stay posted.

FWIW I see a future where individuals reclaim their sovereignty and divine essence - so no middle man. Not to say their won't be natural leaders in various contexts, to galvanize and inspire.

I like to think we're moving to an awareness where we no longer outsource access to Source. Guess we shall see.

Best to you. And thank you, again.

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You are so correct. "FWIW I see a future where individuals reclaim their sovereignty and divine essence - so no middle man. Not to say their won't be natural leaders in various contexts, to galvanize and inspire.

I like to think we're moving to an awareness where we no longer outsource access to Source. Guess we shall see."

the 1st century christians were called the WAY. Jesus is not a free ticket, he came to show the WAY to an individual relationship with the source. early 4th century the New testament writings were redacted, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion brag about this. It was about control and manipulation. the gospel of Mary Magdalene was destroyed as she was very much into the esoteric nature of the WAY. Fortunately fragments of mary's writings were found recently.

The cryptic nature of my comment is a bit for protection. 2000 years ago I anointed/baptized the Commander of the Host of Heaven, I have done it again. This time there is a waiting period before the commander actually takes command. I was anointed in 1963, in a weird ceremony that I did not understand at the time. I have been waiting for my time. My time comes 1st, then the Commander's time is next, for a 1000 years of peace.

As that time approaches I will issue more warnings with things to do to prepare. I reason that now is not the time for those warnings as they will be hard to deal with emotionally. For now I desire that people do seek YHWH culminating in an individual relationship, no middle man as you say. Prayer is tantamount, seek and you find.

Unfortunately few find the correct way, this aspect I do not like, I pray that it will not be so, that many will find the way.

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You have a way of answering questions that generates more questions. :-)

Okay, fascinating to say the least.

I'll keep reading, as you keep posting.


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